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Search Engine Marketing Course, What is the Difference between a Facebook Profile, Page and Group2022

Here are you can find out the solution that what are the difference among Facebook Profile, Page and Group:

Facebook Profile:- A Facebook PROFILE is a personal account on Facebook. When you join Facebook, you get a Profile. This is a place where you can connect with friends, see their posts in your news feed, post your thoughts, pictures, etc.

1. Personal Individual
2. Businesses not allowed (officially)
3. Invite and Maintain Friends List
4. Only Friends can view
5. No Advertising
6. Can Create one or more Pages and Groups
7. t is possible to have a ‘Business Profile’ (a special separate hidden personal profile just for the purpose of running a Page)

Facebook Page:-  A Facebook page is a public profile specifically created for businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, and other organizations. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain "friends," but "fans" - which are people who choose to "like" a page.

1. Official Presence for Business or Celebrity
2. Administration of Page can be shared
3. No Friends List, instead you get ‘Likes’ (was Fans)
4. Anybody can view and ‘Like’ a Page
5. Nobody needs to ask permission to ‘Like’
6. View ‘Insights’ (analytics)
7. Advertising is allowed
8. You can Pay to promote Posts

Facebook Group:- A Facebook group is a page created for an organization or business to promote activities. Users can join the group and post their thoughts on a wall and interact through discussion threads.

1. Discussion Forum or Community for Club, Cause or Specific Purpose
2. Business advertising and discusson allowed
3. Invite and Maintain Members
4. Members do not have to be Friends with your personal Profile
5. Only a personal Profile can join or post
6. A Page cannot join or post
7. You create a Group that is Open, Closed or Secret
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